North Lancing Primary School

Our school opening hours are:

Year R to Year 3: 8.35am to 3.00pm (Total hours a week: 32 hours 05 minutes)

Year 4 to Year 6: 8.35am to 3.05pm (Total hours a week: 32 hours 30 minutes)

Children in Reception to Year 3 should be accompanied onto the playground and parents should drop them at the classroom door. They can arrive at school any time from 8.35am and should be in class for registration at 8.45am.

At 3pm, Reception to Year 3 pupils must be collected by parents (or other named adults) from the playground near the classroom doors.

Children in Year 4 to Year 6 can arrive at school from 8.35am. Registration is at 8.45am. Their finish time is 3.05pm.

If for any reason Reception and KS1 children are not collected they are taken to the school office. Older pupils should also return to the office and notify staff that they have not been collected. A telephone call would be appreciated if parents are unavoidably delayed. Children will be looked after until collected.